Meet the SPT team at events all over the globe and virtually via our webinars.
Discover the latest breakthroughs in scientific research and cutting-edge technologies as we bring together prominent experts and industry leaders in the field, covering a wide range of topics, including advancements in genomics, drug discovery, biotechnology, and more.
Automated sample management for more efficient drug discovery: Developing and embedding in-house sample management at Artios
In this webinar, learn how the team at Artios Pharma have developed & implemented automated end-to-end workflows for sample storage & tracking, processing, assay-ready plate generation and sample mapping for analysis.
Efficient Long-Read Genome Library Prep in the Wellcome Sanger Institute’s Darwin Tree of Life Project.
In this webinar, hear how the successful automation of a long-read whole genome library preparation using the PacBio SMRTbell long-read prep kit 3.0 (SPK3) was achieved on SPT Labtech's firefly® liquid handling platform.
Events coming soon!
In this webinar, hear how the successful automation of a long-read whole genome library preparation using the PacBio SMRTbell long-read prep kit 3.0 (SPK3) was achieved on SPT Labtech's firefly® liquid handling platform.
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As a team of exceptionally skilled scientists, engineers and business innovators, we have one mission: to work together to accelerate life science research.