Events & Webinars

Meet the SPT team at events all over the globe and virtually via our webinars.

Discover the latest breakthroughs in scientific research and cutting-edge technologies as we bring together prominent experts and industry leaders in the field, covering a wide range of topics, including advancements in genomics, drug discovery, biotechnology, and more.

Featured Events & Webinars

Automated sample management for more efficient drug discovery Developing and embedding in-house sample management at Artios Webinar Banner
Artios Labtech Webinar

Automated sample management for more efficient drug discovery: Developing and embedding in-house sample management at Artios

In this webinar, learn how the team at Artios Pharma have developed & implemented automated end-to-end workflows for sample storage & tracking, processing, assay-ready plate generation and sample mapping for analysis.

30 April 2025
08:00 am (PDT)
Hubspot email Header_WGGC Webianr Treff of life_600x300
SPT Labtech Webinar

Efficient Long-Read Genome Library Prep in the Wellcome Sanger Institute’s Darwin Tree of Life Project.

In this webinar, hear how the successful automation of a long-read whole genome library preparation using the PacBio SMRTbell long-read prep kit 3.0 (SPK3) was achieved on SPT Labtech's firefly® liquid handling platform.

3 April 2025
11:00-12:00 CET
Hamburg Germany
SLAS EU 2025 Conference
Hamburg, Germany

All scientific discovery begins with curiosity!  join us at SLAS EU 2025 International Conference and Exhibition and let us show you where curiosity meets innovation! Covering applications in genomics, drug discovery, sample preparation & sample management, we're sure to have something for you.  

20-22 May 2025
09:00 (GMT+1)
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Webinars

Events coming soon!

Efficient Long-Read Genome Library Prep in the Wellcome Sanger Institute’s Darwin Tree of Life Project

In this webinar, hear how the successful automation of a long-read whole genome library preparation using the PacBio SMRTbell long-read prep kit 3.0 (SPK3) was achieved on SPT Labtech's firefly® liquid handling platform.

11:00-12:00 CET

Past Events & Webinars

  • 19

    Automating antibiotic discovery in academia: A collaborative screening effort to identify novel TB therapeutics

  • 6

    Advancing in vitro high-throughput transcriptomics for chemical toxicity testing | SPT Labtech

  • 5
    Nov 24

    Advancing medicinal chemistry with high-throughput low-volume liquid handling

  • 5
    Nov 24

    Genome Web - Automating a Novel Approach to Enzymatic Gene Synthesis

  • 27
    JUN 24

    Driving Throughput in tRNA Library Generation With Automated Liquid Handling - GenomeWeb

  • 21
    FEB 24

    Webinar - Enhancing Core Facility Operations: Automated Liquid Handling for High-Throughput, High-Quality NGS Library Generation

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