
The analysis of all proteins produced by an organism allows researchers to study their role on a functional level. This can be done for various reasons, such as screening for markers of disease, examining the role of post-translational modifications, investigating protein-protein interactions, and monitoring dynamic changes in protein expression over time

Proteomics plays a vital role in understanding disease mechanisms and advancing drug discovery by providing detailed insights into protein function, post-translational modifications and protein-protein interactions. Its ability to identify disease biomarkers, elucidate pathogenic processes, validate drug targets and personalize treatment regimens makes it an indispensable tool in the quest for more effective and safer therapies.

Proteins are the primary targets for the majority of drugs, however, comprehensive, system-wide approaches to monitor protein activity and function are still not fully leveraged in drug discovery and clinical research.


Proteomics: Revolutionizing Drug Discovery and Protein Research

The analysis of all proteins produced by an organism allows researchers to study their role on a functional level. This can be done for various reasons, such as screening for markers of disease, examining the role of post-translational modifications, investigating protein-protein interactions, and monitoring dynamic changes in protein expression over time. Often used in conjunction with other functional genomics approaches, proteomics plays a crucial role in understanding disease mechanisms and the validation of targets. Our proven miniaturization technology bolsters high-throughput protein biomarker discovery with the Olink Explore platform.

Recent Innovations in Proteomics

Recent innovations in biochemical methodologies and advancements in instrumentation have significantly advanced proteomics, moving beyond traditional techniques like immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining, western blotting, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Modern approaches now include:

  • mass spectrometry (MS)-based methods, in which the proteomic content of the cell is digested and analyzed,
  • antibody- and aptamer-based methods that target predefined proteins,
  • imaging-based methods capable of detecting and providing the spatial context of proteins,
  • single-molecule sequencing methods, which offer unprecedented detail at the individual protein level.


Challenges in Protein Sample Preparation and Analysis

While proteomics brings us closer to understanding the phenotype than genomics or transcriptomics alone, it has yet to achieve the same level of throughput as RNA and DNA sequencing. It is largely due to intrinsic challenges in protein sample preparation and analysis. The human proteome, estimated to consist of around 20,000 to 25,000 protein-coding genes, is further diversified by alternative splicing and post-translational modifications, resulting in hundreds of thousands of protein variants.

Unlike nucleic acids, proteins cannot be amplified through techniques like PCR, so proteomic analyses must work directly with the native content, encompassing both low- and high-abundance proteins, which limits method sensitivity.

Manual handling in protein sample preparation is a complex and labor-intensive process that demands precision, skill, and careful attention to detail. From extraction and quantification to fractionation and quality control, each step must be performed meticulously to ensure that the obtained results are reproducible and accurately reflect the protein content of the sample.

Finally, proteomics typically incurs higher costs per sample compared to the more standardized and scalable processes in genomics, limiting its adoption.



Driving the Proteomics Field Forward

Despite these hurdles, ongoing innovations are driving the field forward. Advances in liquid handling automation, analytical instrumentation and the development of sophisticated chemistries are progressively enhancing the throughput, sensitivity, and reliability of proteomics studies.

Affinity-based proteomic technologies are receiving increasing attention, particularly in plasma proteomics. The proximity extension assay (PEA) developed by Olink Proteomics is prime examples, using pairs of oligonucleotide-labeled antibodies that bind to adjacent epitopes on target proteins. The proximity of these labels allows for DNA amplification, which is then quantified to determine protein levels. PEA’s remarkable sensitivity enables the detection of low-abundance proteins that might be missed by other techniques. This enables the simultaneous analysis of thousands of proteins from a minute amount of sample, making large-scale studies more feasible. Our proven miniaturization technology bolsters high-throughput protein biomarker discovery and population-scale proteogenomics with the Olink Explore platform (ref 1-2).

Over the past decade, Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight (MALDI-TOF) MS has achieved laser scanning speeds of under one second per sample, dramatically reducing acquisition times. MALDI-TOF MS requires very small sample volumes, facilitating assay miniaturization and cost reduction. When combined with automated low-volume liquid handling systems, such as mosquito LV, these features make MALDI-TOF MS assays particularly well-suited for robust high-throughput screening (HTS) (ref 3-4).

Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has also ushered in a new era of scientific discovery, offering increasingly higher-resolution structural information. Advances in both hardware and software for both sample preparation and analysis have now opened up the technique to more widespread adoption in basic research and drug discovery (ref 5-6).

Related products

Our suite of automated liquid handling solutions, mosquito, firefly, dragonfly and chameleon, enhances the reliability and efficiency of proteomics research:


Innovative all-in-one liquid handling brings together multiple technologies within a single compact design for more efficient library and sample preparation. Underpinned by powerful, intuitive software, firefly unlocks the potential of automation for all to accelerate single-cell research.

Explore firefly

dragonfly® discovery

dragonfly discovery delivers fast and reliable non-contact dispensing for all liquid types thanks to its positive displacement technology. Highly accurate low volume dispensing and ultra-low dead volumes allow researchers to minimize reagent costs, save time and standardize protocols.

Explore dragonfly discovery

mosquito® LV Genomics

mosquito's ability to handle nanoliter volumes with precision using true positive displacement technology drives down the high costs of single-cell workflows. Harnessing the power of miniaturization enables researchers to drastically improve productivity and reduce cost per sample.

Explore mosquito genomics


chameleon delivers optimized grid vitrification for cryo-EM by combining next-generation automation, blotless grid technology, and high speed plunging. Thinking beyond existing sample preparation workflows enables routine high resolution structural studies.

Explore chameleon

Key Resources

On-demand webinar ➤➤➤


Supercharge your Olink workflow with the right liquid handling tools

In this webinar, discover how to maximize volumetric precision in Olink proteomic technology workflows for improved accuracy and reliability with multi-omic pipelines for full suite service providers.

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On-demand webinar ➤➤➤


Sensitive high-throughput plasma proteomics

Identifying early markers of transitions between human health and disease is a key objective of systems medicine. The strategy involves collecting diverse longitudinal data for each individual, before and after symptoms manifest.

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On-demand webinar ➤➤➤


Making transfers of crystallisation screens more consistent, reliable and reproducible

In this webinar, you will get a practical walk-through of how to make consistent transfers from a deep well block to a crystal screening plate using an automated pipetting system and examine best practice setting up sitting-drop vapour diffusion crystallisation.

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Looking to explore some of the automation solutions we offer?

Then be sure to get in touch with one of our experts!

  1. Eldjarn GH, Ferkingstad E, Lund SH, et al. Large-scale plasma proteomics comparisons through genetics and disease associations Nature. 2023; 622 (7982): 348-358.
  2. Åkesson J, Hojjati S, Hellberg S, et al. Proteomics reveal biomarkers for diagnosis, disease activity and long-term disability outcomes in multiple sclerosis. Nat Commun. 2023; 14 (1): 6903.
  3. Haslam C, Hellicar J, Dunn A, et al. The Evolution of MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry toward Ultra-High-Throughput Screening: 1536-Well Format and Beyond. J Biomol Screen. 2016; 21 (2): 176-186.
  4. Müller L, Burton AK, Tayler CL, et al. A high-throughput MALDI-TOF MS biochemical screen for small molecule inhibitors of the antigen aminopeptidase ERAP1. SLAS Discov. 2023; 28 (1): 3-11.
  5. Liang WG, Wijaya J, Wei H, et al. Structural basis for the mechanisms of human presequence protease conformational switch and substrate recognition. Nat Commun. 2022; 13 (1): 1833.
  6. Hickey CM, Digianantonio KM, Zimmermann K, et al. Co-opting the E3 ligase KLHDC2 for targeted protein degradation by small molecules. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2024; 31 (2): 311-322.