Scan SDK content

This SDK contains:
. Dynamic-link-library (BMLSCAN.DLL) for Windows (32 and 64-bit assemblies)
. A C# code file SCAN_Import.cs is included to declare functions exported by BmlScan.dll for use
in C# host programs.
. A WinForm (C#) demo project with step-by-step Walk-Through to illustrate basic functions and
calling sequences.
. A WPF (C#) project (WpfDemo) to illustrate BMLSCAN.DLL usage in more detail than the WalkThrough demo above.
By default, ScanSDK Setup will send SDK files to the following folder:

C:\Program Files\SPTLabtech\ScanSDK\

ScanSDK contains 3 subfolders: SDK Libs, SDK Docs and SDK Demo.
SDK Libs contains BmlScan.dll (this is the SDK’s main DLL) and a list of the other DLLs which
BmlScan.dll depends on (mainly the libraries to operate Scan’s camera). All these DLLs should be copied to the App’s target folder for the program to work.
SDK Docs contains a PDF of this document (SPT SCAN SDK V2 USER MANUAL.pdf).
SCAN Demo contains:
Walk-Through demo - C# WinForm project created using Visual Studio 2022
WpfDemo demo - C# WPF project created using Visual Studio 2022
SCAN_Import.cs - C# code file containing import definitions for C# projects
QuickTest folder – contains pre-built executable WpfDemo.exe and WalkThrough.exe