QuadCode flag

Certain types of racks contain QuadCode (also called 2D4 Code) tubes. A labware profile contains a flag indicating whether the rack is of QuadCode type.

Each Quad-Code tube consists of 4 Data Matrix subcodes. The following illustration shows six QuadCode tubes. In the tube enclosed in a red circle, notice that there are 2 pairs of identical subcodes, each connected by a colored line. Decoding of a tube is considered successful if at least one subcode from each pair is decoded. On the next tube in this illustration, if any pair of subcodes in the 4 ellipses are decoded, the complete Quad-Code is decoded. A complete Quad-Code barcode consists of a “Head” subcode (starts with a letter) and a “Tail” subcode (starts with a numeric digit). For example, the complete barcode for the tube on the lower-right corner of this illustration is FS06551897.

Note: if one or two (out of 4) subcodes are decoded, but they do not form a complete pair of “Head”
+ ”Tail”, then decoding is unsuccessful, and the status-code of 52 will be returned (See 

Use S_SetDecodeOption to specify QuadCode option. quadcode 1