Error handling - 13.3 Using the firefly feedback hub

To report a problem with firefly, open the firefly feedback hub from the control on the menu bar (circled in red). This function is available to all user account types.

Use the opening form to select your feedback type.

Feedback opening

If you have a problem operating your instrument, use the Service Request option to request help from reliance service engineers. It is useful to send the protocol which was in use when the problem occurred and any other information which may be useful such as photos of the state of the machine, logs or screenshots.

Feedback service request

firefly PCB temperature data is shown on the About page in firefly's main menu. reliance engineers may need this data when responding to your request.

The process is similar to report a software bug:

Feedback software

You can also make a more general request for additional firefly functionality, hardware or software.

A screenshot of a chat

Description automatically generated

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