Consumables - 3.3 Reservoirs

Reservoirs are available in three sizes: high volume (in packs of 24), standard (in packs of 50) and low dead volume (LDV), in packs of 25. Lids are available for use with high volume reservoirs, to reduce evaporation; their use is optional.

You will need the high volume reservoir tray (see below, the empty tray is on the right) to use high volume reservoirs. This is available in the high volume reservoir kit, which also includes the inserts needed to use standard and LDV reservoirs with high volume reservoirs.

all reservoirs 

High volume reservoirs have 45mL capacity and 500µL recoverable dead volume.

Standard reservoirs have 10mL capacity and fill level indicators for 5mL and 10mL. The dead volume is 200µL, which is recoverable.

Low dead volume reservoirs have 1.5mL capacity and 30µL recoverable dead volume.

Reservoirs are disposable but can be washed after use to allow a number of re-uses if you wish. 

The reservoir range available is:

  • Sterile LDV (4150-07203)
  • Sterile Standard (4150-07204)
  • Sterile High Volume (3276-02016)
  • Sterile High Volume Lid (327-02013)
  • Non-Sterile LDV (4150-07202)
  • Non-Sterile Standard (4150-07103)
  • Non-Sterile High Volume (3276-02012)
  • Non-Sterile High Volume Lid (3276-02017)

Note: Sterile HV reservoirs and lids take on a slightly yellow discoloration as a consequence of the sterilization process.

Next Article - Consumables - 3.4 Plates