VolumeCheck technology

The VolumeCheck Sensor measures the sensor to sample distance.

VolumeCheck measures the sensor to sample distance of known sample volumes to create a calibration table. The sensor-to-sample distance decreases as increasing amounts of sample are
added to the well or tube.

vc sensing

Using a calibration table specific to the well plate or tube rack, the VolumeCheck can determine
the volume of sample or compound in a well or tube.

sensor to sample

The VolumeCheck ultrasonic sensor can resolve small distances in sample height; however the
system’s readability specification is influenced by variations in labware and samples. Samples that are ‘well behaved’ i.e. no air bubbles in the sample or no droplets on the inside wall of a tube
should provide sensor-to-liquid distance data which can be interpreted as a true sample volume.

VolumeCheck system resolution may be influenced by:

  • Differences in labware (conical, v-shaped, or flat-bottom well plates and tubes)
  • Droplets on the wall of a tube or well
  • Air bubbles in the sample 
  • Shape of sample’s meniscus (a uniform surface provides the best measurement)
  • Plate-to-plate (or tube-to-tube) dimensional variations

    Within the labware and sample limitations described, the VolumeCheck can provide a very consistent automated method for inspection of well plates and tube racks for sample volume.