VolumeCheck functional overview

VolumeCheck measures the height of sample in a well or test tube. Using a calibration table (of known volume and sample height) the VolumeCheck can be used to scan well plates and tube racks to determine sample volume. To use VolumeCheck to check your samples, you will need to:

Set up your calibration table

  • Create a calibration table for a specific type of plate and sample compound.

Use the Plate Data Creator tool to create and use a plate map

  • Create the plate map.
  • Dispense known sample volumes into the plate according to the plate map.
  • Scan the plate to obtain distance data.
  • Fine tune data collected for the calibration table.
  • Save the calibration table.

Run VolumeCheck using your plate data and calibration table.

  • Load the calibration table for a specific type of plate and sample compound.
  • Place plate or tube rack onto VolumeCheck input tray.
  • Scan the plate to obtain distance data (and automatically generate volume data).
  • Save volume data to an output file (typically named with plate ID#).

Alternatively, you can set up project files

  • Project files allow re-use of specific system settings for future volume measurements.
  • Set all VolumeCheck parameters, error handling, and select calibration table.
  • From File Menu, select Save Project and follow prompts to input project name.
  • Once saved, a VolumeCheck project can be opened prior to measuring sample volume.

Then use project files when running VolumeCheck

  • Load VolumeCheck project file for your specific plate and sample type.
  • Load plate or tube rack onto the VolumeCheck input tray.
  • Scan plate to obtain distance data (and automatically generate volume data).
  • Save volume data to an output file (typically named with plate ID#).