Diagnostic tests

Test 1: sensor test

This test indicates if the ultrasonic sensor is functioning normally with consistent measured
distances at a set location. VolumeCheck scans the calibration position, then compares the value
to the pre-set calibration value.

1. Turn on VolumeCheck and Open VolumeCheck software. Allow 15 minutes for warm-up.
2. Go to “Tools” menu and select “Device Control”.
3. In “Device Control and Tester” window, click the “Sensor Test” buttonsensor test

4. The tray will move in and out as the sensor takes repeated measurements at the reference
position. All values should be within tolerance of the displayed Calibration Distance. If an
error window pops up, capture it using Alt+Print screen and paste it to Word or WordPad. 
5. After 30 steps, click “Stop Test.”stop test

6. Save the document containing the screen captures of error messages and send it to reliance

Test 2: rack gripper test

This test checks that the centering mechanism on the input tray is properly gripping labware. The
centering mechanism pushes labware into a consistent position, which is necessary for repeatable measurements.

1. Turn on VolumeCheck.
2. Press the Open/Close Tray button on the front of the VolumeCheck instrument. The Input
Tray should extend open.
3. With the input tray in the open position, press the Open/Close Tray button again and observe
the spring-loaded fingers (circled below). They should close when the tray retracts inside.

grippers test-24. Press the Open/Close Tray button. The fingers should open when the tray extends fully.
Repeat open/close cycle 5 times. If fingers fail to open or close, inform reliance.

Test 3: bare tray scan 

This test indicates the ultrasonic sensor is giving consistent readings factoring out labware
dimensional variations. It also indicates the flatness of the bare input tray. Any warp or tilt in the
tray will be measured.

1. Turn on VolumeCheck and open the VolumeCheck software. Allow 15 minutes for warm-up.
2. Do not load a calibration table. Do not place labware on the input tray. If a calibration file is
already loaded, click “Unload”

bare tray scan (1)3. Set labware Z height to 15mm (or 0.59"). From the Tools->Plate Data Creator menu, open the
Rack Calibration dialog and modify the current Z Dimension to 15mm (units set to mm). Click
“Apply Settings” and close the window.step 1

4. Click “Start.” Wait for VolumeCheck to finish scanning the bare input tray

step 2

Near the top right corner, note the Min, Max and Range values (see above). Range should be
less than 0.3 mm. 
5. Wait 30 minutes, and try this test again, as performance may improve after a longer warm up
time. Contact reliance if the range fluctuates over 0.3 mm between measurements on the
second test.

Test 4: empty tubes scan 

This test reveals the flatness of the labware. Error introduced by warping in the rack will be

1. Turn on VolumeCheck and open the VolumeCheck software. Allow 15 minutes for warm-up.
2. Place the empty rack of tubes, along with any required adapters, on the tray. Load the
appropriate labware file and check the “Display Volume” checkbox. Click “Start.”
3. In “Settings” menu, click on “Display Settings.” Set the display options shown below


step 3

Display options:
A. Enter minimum value into top of chart
B. Enter maximum value into bottom of chart
C. Click “Gradient Color”
D. Click “Uniform Interval.” 
Click “OK.” 
4. The range (difference between Max and Min) on an empty rack should be less than 1 mm,
preferably under 0.5 mm. Note that range will be labware dependent. The graph below
shows an empty PCR plate with significant sag in the center. Failure to measure within 1 mm
can also indicate a problem with labware settings. Please verify labware rows, columns,
dimensions, and pitch are correct

step 4

Test 4: rotate labware 

At times you may notice repeated “problem tubes” in volume measurements. Rotate the rack 180° to detect if errors follow the rotation.
1. Turn on VolumeCheck and open the software. Allow 15 minutes for warm-up.
2. On the tray, place a rack of tubes in normal orientation, along with any required adapters. 
Load a calibration curve and click “Start.” Save data. 
3. In “Settings” menu, click on “Display Settings.” 
Set display options:
A. Enter minimum value into top of chart
B. Enter maximum value into bottom of chart
C. Click “Gradient Color”
D. Click “Uniform Interval.” 
Click “OK

rotate test4. Rotate the tube rack 180° and measure volumes again. Save data.
5. Compare graph and data before and after 180° rotation. Does the graph appear to rotate
180°? Do “problem tubes” rotate as well? If the answer is “yes,” then the error originates in
labware. If not, there could be an issue with the labware data numbers, the tray, or, in some
cases, the sensor. Contact reliance to determine best next steps.

Drift compensation (for older units)

rotate test 2

Calibration Distance: Data collected from VolumeCheck firmware is set during system
manufacture and does not change.
Tolerance: Data collected from VolumeCheck firmware. Set during system manufacture and
does not change. Sensor tolerance range.
Measured: Distance measured during last plate scan. Distance from sensor to tray
calibration point.
Offset: Difference between Measured and Calibration Distance.
Drift: Difference between Measured (57.5890mm) and Calibration table median distance
(57.63mm) (.csv file- shown right) equals the Drift (0.410mm). Calibration table median
distance can be obtained by exporting the .vcal file as a .csv when using the Plate Data
Creator utility.

Note: Drift Compensation is included for compatibility with older units. Current VC100 and VC384 units do not require this option as it is handled automatically