Care and maintenance

Routine maintenance

No daily maintenance is required for the VolumeCheck instrument.

At VolumeCheck instrument start up, the VolumeCheck system runs an internal system check on
sensor tolerance. If the VolumeCheck system sensor is out of tolerance, you are alerted via the
software interface. VolumeCheck requires a 15 minute warm-up period.

Manufacturer’s plastic consumables (tube racks and well plates) can vary from lot to lot and over
time. SPT Labtech recommends that you verify your VolumeCheck calibration tables by testing
known volumes vs. the calibration table on a standard maintenance schedule.


Keep the VolumeCheck instrument clean. The input tray (and associated tube rack adapters)
should be kept clean by periodically wiping with alcohol. It is important to keep the tray clean of

input tray

All exterior services can be cleaned with reagent alcohol and a lint free wipe or cloth.

IMPORTANT: Do NOT attempt to clean near or behind the sensor door as the sensor is positioned directly behind the door