Advanced operations - Project Files

The VolumeCheck software allows you to create a project file based workflow. Project files are
comprised of a calibration table, error handling settings, and display settings for a specific labware calibration table file. You can have as many project files as you have labware and calibration settings. The purpose of project file workflow is to allow you to quickly load display and calibration settings for a particular labware. (Ideal when multiple labs are sharing the VolumeCheck)

To save a project file:

  1. Open the VolumeCheck software.
  2. Load the labware calibration table via the Load Table button.
  3. Set the Display Settings.
  4. Set Error Handling Options.
  5. Go To File, then Save Project.
  6. Name the Project file appropriately for the labware and calibration settings e.g. CoStar_500µL_DMSO.VCP (The project file extension is .VCP).

save project