Advanced operations - Output File Setup

output file options


The Output File Options selection allows you to set the directory where the output file is saved.

  • An output file can be saved for each plate scan.
  • Typical the output file name is RACKID#.CSV or some other naming convention.
  • Optional: output Negative Volumes as Zeros.
  • Optional: use an end-user defined file extension (.csv, .txt, or user-defined).

The output file contains selectable fields including:

  • Tube Rack ID
  • Tube position
  • Number of samples – number of sensor reads per well
  • Status Code – Error codes
  • Volume Median
  • Volume Mean
  • Volume Minimum
  • Volume Maximum
  • Volume Standard Deviation
  • Time
  • Date
  • Distance Median
  • Distance Mean
  • Distance Minimum
  • Distance Maximum
  • Distance Standard Deviation