Advanced operations - Main Processing Screen

Main processing screen functions

  • Scan plate for volume measurements
  • Configure settings
  • Open/close the VolumeCheck input tray
  • Select (or deselect) individual well positions for scanning
  • View rows and columns of volume data

Control descriptions:

  • Open / close tray: opens / closes the VolumeCheck input tray
  • Home motors: motor calibration (moves input tray & sensor to home position)
  • Start: starts the plate scanning process
  • Load table: loads a predefined calibration table

Standard VolumeCheck operation

main screen large

  1. Select Load Table button on the upper right on the main processing screen. The example
    above shows “VC_Test_Cal_Curve.vcal” selected.
  2. Place a tube rack or plate onto the VolumeCheck input tray platform.
  3. Click the Start button.
  4. VolumeCheck scans the plate and outputs the sample volume.
  5. Sample volumes are calculated and displayed.
  6. The Create Output file screen is displayed at the end of the scan.