Viewing order history
Open Menu and select History to view a list of the last 30 days' store and retrieve orders.
The list shows basic information e.g. order ID, how many vials were stored successfully, for each order.
Click Info to see details of a specific order.
Viewing a report file
When an order has been completed, arktic software writes a report to the Report folder. Use File
Explorer to access these reports.
The folder contains a subfolder for each completed order with the same name as the
original order file.
Each order folder contains an XML file for every rack processed as part of the order. The filename is the barcode of the rack and the file lists each vial and its location in the rack. It does not include the location in the arktic store as you do not need this information to access the vial.
Your LIMS system can use these files to update the location of samples. You can also open the files using Excel:
- Browse to your order's report folder and open the rack XML file.
- Choose open ‘As an XML table’ on the Excel pop-up form.
- The imported rack XML file will have a row for each vial described in the file, with the rack
location and the vial ID.
Using the Inventory
Select Play/Stop and take arktic offline.
To check for particular vials, select on the Menu.
To search for a vial, type the barcode in the text box and select Search . You can enter a partial barcode if you are looking for multiple vials. arktic will display the basic details for matching vials.
Select Info to see detailed information about the vial, including its store history.
Use the Export function to export the complete inventory as an XML file.